Soundtrack for Warlock - Master of Arcane
Soundtrack for Warlock 2 - The Exiled
Digital Novel - The Great Mage Game - A story of action, intrigue and wizardry, set in the Warlock universe. Written by acclaimed fantasy and sci-fi author John Helfers.
Digital Artbook - 42 full-color pages of beautiful artwork from the Warlock 2 game: Great Mages, Enivonments and Units
And 7 in game items, including:
- Domain of Death - Start your quest in the land of the dead!
- Magic is Fun - The lord known as The Magical Genius is available to your cause!
- Elementary, My Dear - Adds three new deadly elemental spells to your arsenal towards world domination!
- Chants of Light - Gives access to three new magical powers, including a powerful Lord Summoning ability!
- Frost Power - A former Great Mage who seeks retribution offer his services to you!
- Half-of-Everyone - Nobody knows him, but this Jack-of-all-Trades can be the best ally by your side!
- Ancient Dragon - A new Great Mage - the Ancient Dragon - joins the fray, and wants to show who is the greatest mage of all!
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