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作者:佚名来源:本站整理 发表时间:2015/12/3 10:15:45 评论(0)


[Issue MC-729] - Zombies only fight back against players

[Issue MC-729] - 僵尸只回击玩家

[Issue MC-1973] - Items placed into a beacon are lost upon reloading a world

[Issue MC-1973] - 重新加载世界后信标中物品消失

[Issue MC-3626] - Signs, Sugar Cane, Vines, Two-block Plants and Cobwebs cause glitchy mob behavior

[Issue MC-3626] - 告示牌,甘蔗,藤蔓,两个高的植物和蜘蛛网导致生物行为异常

[Issue MC-7519] - Clearing Nausea Potion Effect will stop it but show portal tint

[Issue MC-7519] - 清除反胃效果会停止但是会有一段传送门的效果

[Issue MC-8017] - False Cobweb Behavior

[Issue MC-8017] - 错误的蜘蛛网行为

[Issue MC-9074] - Command selector syntax does not recognize decimals

[Issue MC-9074] - 指令选择器语法不支持小数

[Issue MC-10818] - Skeleton/Wither Skeleton leg texture experiences Z-fighting

[Issue MC-10818] - 骷髅/凋零骷髅的腿的纹理带有Z缓冲区碰撞

[Issue MC-18272] - Health Boost and Absorption Effects have the same Icon

[Issue MC-18272] - 生命提升和伤害吸收效果有相同的图标

[Issue MC-20431] - Player is floating above the saddle of a donkey

[Issue MC-20431] - 玩家浮在驴的鞍上

[Issue MC-33863] - Villagers rarely can turn to Baby Zombie Villagers / Chicken Jockey

[Issue MC-33863] - 村民很少变为幼年僵尸村民/鸡骑士

[Issue MC-38307] - Lightning strike area-effect destroys item frames, paintings, and armor stands

[Issue MC-38307] - 闪电劈过的区域摧毁物品展示框,画,以及盔甲架

[Issue MC-39098] - Endermen can pick up blocks behind walls

[Issue MC-39098] - 末影人可以拿去墙后面的方块

[Issue MC-46034] - Lava flows towards gaps even if they can’t be reached

[Issue MC-46034] - 岩浆流向间隙即使岩浆无法流到那里

[Issue MC-48570] - Server-Side Resource Packs do not show up in Resource Pack list

[Issue MC-48570] - 服务器端资源包不显示在资源包列表中

[Issue MC-50468] - Skeleton AI ignoring helmet - skeleton still stays in shadow

[Issue MC-50468] - 骷髅AI无视盔甲——骷髅仍然呆在阴影中

[Issue MC-50559] - Rain Texture is Upside Down

[Issue MC-50559] - 雨的纹理颠倒

[Issue MC-55942] - Nether wart, wheat, carrot, and potato hitboxes reflect only first stage

[Issue MC-55942] - 地狱疣,小麦,胡萝卜和土豆的碰撞箱只反映了第一阶段

[Issue MC-62552] - FallingSand shows alternate block textures while falling

[Issue MC-62552] - 掉落沙掉落时显示交错的纹理

[Issue MC-63129] - Baby Zombies named “Dinnerbone” can now fly

[Issue MC-63129] - 名为“Dinnerbone”的幼年僵尸会飞

[Issue MC-69328] - /playsound not tab-completing sounds

[Issue MC-69328] - /playsound没有tab补全

[Issue MC-69834] - Metal ring misplaced at tripwire hook / does not move

[Issue MC-69834] - 绊线钩上的金属环错位/不移动

[Issue MC-70306] - Can’t put Flower Pot on Piston

[Issue MC-70306] - 不能在活塞上放置花盆

[Issue MC-70327] - Blaze fireballs damage other blazes

[Issue MC-70327] - 烈焰人的火球伤害其它烈焰人

[Issue MC-72156] - Tamed wolves attack when a wild wolf is hurt.

[Issue MC-72156] - 驯服的狼会在野生的狼受伤时攻击

[Issue MC-72368] - Cactus can be placed under water, but doesn’t break

[Issue MC-72368] - 仙人掌可以放在水下而不被破坏

[Issue MC-73370] - Trapped chests are in “Decoration Blocks”

[Issue MC-73370] - 陷阱箱在“装饰性方块”中

[Issue MC-73884] - Projectiles get destroyed at contact with non solid blocks

[Issue MC-73884] - 弹射物接触非固体方块时被破坏

[Issue MC-75471] - Ocelots and Rabbits run from you in creative mode

[Issue MC-75471] - 在创造模式中豹猫和兔子会逃离你

[Issue MC-76045] - Clicking on non-existing link target or deleted screenshot gives error

[Issue MC-76045] - 点击不存在的链接目标或已删除的截图给出错误

[Issue MC-76975] - Pick block doesn’t work on the dragon egg

[Issue MC-76975] - 拾取方块在龙蛋上不工作

[Issue MC-77224] - Tp with relative x rotation above 90 affects y rotation

[Issue MC-77224] - 在tp中使用大于90度的x轴相对旋转会影响y轴旋转

[Issue MC-77758] - Guardian beam turns green at the end of charging

[Issue MC-77758] - 深海守卫者的光束在蓄能的最后变绿

[Issue MC-80148] - Custom Model Lighting Irregularities (Top & Bottom Faces)/each cuboid part of a model renders smooth lighting as if it were a full block

[Issue MC-80148] - 自定义模型光照错误(上下面)/每一个长方体会作为一整个方块渲染平滑光照

[Issue MC-80597] - Lit Furnace still obtainable using the /give command

[Issue MC-80597] - 燃烧中的熔炉依然可以通过/give获得

[Issue MC-81693] - Multiple items have missing (transparent) pixels

[Issue MC-81693] - 多个物品的(透明)像素丢失

[Issue MC-81725] - Shift+F3 menu remains on server disconnect

[Issue MC-81725] - Shift+F3菜单在从服务器断开后依然保持

[Issue MC-82452] - Server Resource Packs Not Staying Persistent

[Issue MC-82452] - 服务器资源包不持久

[Issue MC-83105] - Offhand items render while drawing bow

[Issue MC-83105] - 副手的物品在拉弓时渲染

[Issue MC-83107] - Shulkers deflect arrows from the side but not the top, arrows glitchy when shot at the edge

[Issue MC-83107] - 潜影贝从边上弹开箭而不是顶部,箭射在边缘时会出问题

[Issue MC-83174] - Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Ghasts, Guardians, Slimes, Magma Cubes, Wither Skeletons, Spiders, Cave Spiders, Silverfishes and Endermites do not attack when hit by other mobs

[Issue MC-83174] - 僵尸,僵尸猪人,恶魂,深海守卫着,史莱姆,岩浆怪,凋零骷髅,蜘蛛,洞穴蜘蛛,蠹虫和末影螨当被其它生物攻击时不回击

[Issue MC-83193] - Punching cake eats it

[Issue MC-83193] - 打蛋糕会吃了它

[Issue MC-83271] - Bosses are unaffected by the potions / “new arrows”

[Issue MC-83271] - Boss不受药水/“新的箭”影响

[Issue MC-83599] - Arrow/Item in offhand still displayed while drawing bow in first person view

[Issue MC-83599] - 第一人称视角中副手的箭/物品拉弓时依然会显示

[Issue MC-83824] - infinite arrows with effect (infinity enchantment works with potion tipped arrows)

[Issue MC-83824] - 无限药水箭(无限附魔可用于药水箭)

[Issue MC-83850] - Squid and ghasts are unaffected by levitation

[Issue MC-83850] - 鱿鱼和恶魂不受悬浮效果影响

[Issue MC-83896] - Shulkers can teleport into other shulkers

[Issue MC-83896] - 潜影贝可以传送到其它潜影贝内部

[Issue MC-83930] - End City spawns even without Generate Structures

[Issue MC-83930] - 末地城在生成建筑关闭时依然生成

[Issue MC-85117] - Shulkers teleport even when they’re already dead

[Issue MC-85117] - 潜影贝死后还会传送

[Issue MC-85256] - Cauldrons are filled with water while snowing in biomes where it only snows above a certain height

[Issue MC-85256] - 炼药锅中会在一些只在特定高度上方才会下雪的生物群系中被填满

[Issue MC-85527] - Shulkers opening into blocks

[Issue MC-85527] - 潜影贝向方块内打开壳

[Issue MC-85756] - Blocks/items on mobs’ heads turn red when the mob takes damage

[Issue MC-85756] - 生物头上的方块/物品当生物收到伤害时会变红

[Issue MC-85963] - Melon and glistering melon textures have different rotations

[Issue MC-85963] - 西瓜和南瓜的纹理旋转不同

[Issue MC-86305] - AreaEffectCloud can be pushed by pistons

[Issue MC-86305] - AreaEffectCloud可以被活塞推动

[Issue MC-86385] - Leading zeroes omitted on dyed leather armor colour

[Issue MC-86385] - 染色皮革颜色的前导零被忽略

[Issue MC-86836] - Enderdragon can teleport through end_gateway

[Issue MC-86836] - 末影龙可以通过末地折越门传送

[Issue MC-86951] - Drop item scoreboard objective increases with /give

[Issue MC-86951] - “物品掉落”计分板判据在使用/give时增加

[Issue MC-86992] - Shulker floating 1/16 above ground

[Issue MC-86992] - 潜影贝在地上浮起1/16格

[Issue MC-87093] - Zombie / Skeleton / Zombie Pigman arm animation glitch if they can’t reach you.

[Issue MC-87093] - 僵尸/骷髅/僵尸猪人无法达到你的位置时手臂动画错误

[Issue MC-87143] - Setblock signs with text put “null” on empty lines by reloading the world

[Issue MC-87143] - 放置的告示牌的空行在重新加载世界后显示“null”

[Issue MC-87219] - Floating Mob Heads above baby zombies that wear them

[Issue MC-87219] - 幼年僵尸带有头颅时头颅漂浮

[Issue MC-87242] - Librarian zombie villager robe texture is sometimes white instead of transparent

[Issue MC-87242] - 图书管理员僵尸村民纹理有时是白色而不是透明

[Issue MC-87383] - shulker hitbox height

[Issue MC-87383] - 潜影贝碰撞箱高度

[Issue MC-87568] - Slimes with levitation moving

[Issue MC-87568] - 带有悬浮效果的史莱姆移动

[Issue MC-87573] - Spawned Slimes move always South (+Z) first

[Issue MC-87573] - 生成的史莱姆总是先向南(+Z)移动

[Issue MC-88401] - Arrow blocked by shield can get stuck above player

[Issue MC-88401] - 盾牌挡掉的箭会卡在玩家上方

[Issue MC-88465] - Shield still have metadata

[Issue MC-88465] - 盾牌依然含有元数据

[Issue MC-88569] - Armor slots inconsistency

[Issue MC-88569] - 盔甲栏不一致

[Issue MC-89181] - AreaEffectCloud does not work with some particles/crashes with others

[Issue MC-89181] - AreaEffectCloud使用某些粒子时不工作/崩溃

[Issue MC-89399] - If an end portal generates with 12 eyes in it, it is impossible to use it.

[Issue MC-89399] - 如果末地传送门生成时带有12颗末影之眼,那么它没法用

[Issue MC-90095] - elytra does goes invisible with player if potion is used.

[Issue MC-90095] - 使用隐形药水时滑翔翅隐形

[Issue MC-90417] - Enderdragon can be passenger on boats

[Issue MC-90417] - 末影龙会坐在船上

[Issue MC-90549] - Taking damage while gliding pushes you upwards

[Issue MC-90549] - 潜行时收到伤害会让你向上移动

[Issue MC-90587] - Frost Walker does not work on transparent blocks

[Issue MC-90587] - 冰霜行者不在透明方块上起效

[Issue MC-90601] - Pick block frosted ice warning

[Issue MC-90601] - 捡起霜冰方块时被警告

[Issue MC-90606] - Too small damage while hitting walls with Elytra

[Issue MC-90606] - 滑翔时撞墙的伤害太少

[Issue MC-91061] - Loot table exceptions are not caught

[Issue MC-91061] - 可掠夺物品表的异常未被捕获

[Issue MC-91177] - Rain puts out fires less often

[Issue MC-91177] - 雨不常灭火

[Issue MC-91264] - Right clicking a hoe or a shovel on grass or dirt plays the wrong sound

[Issue MC-91264] - 用铲子或锄头右键泥土和草的声音不对

[Issue MC-91528] - End crystal replacing blocks with fire/able to place end crystal inside blocks including bedrock (End dimension only)

[Issue MC-91528] - 末影水晶会替换火/可以在方块(包括基岩)内放置末影水晶(仅限末地)

[Issue MC-91533] - Container minecarts with invalid loot table cannot be removed from world

[Issue MC-91533] - 拥有着无效可抢夺物品表的容器类矿车不能从世界中移除

[Issue MC-91543] - Multiple (unlimited) number of Ender Crystals placeable on one block at the same time

[Issue MC-91543] - 可以在一格内放置多个末影水晶

[Issue MC-91666] - Exploding Creepers drop gunpowder when they set off an End Crystal

[Issue MC-91666] - 被末影水晶引爆的爬行者掉落火药

[Issue MC-91756] - Beam target of ender crystals on obsidian pillars does not update when ender dragon spawn sequence is stopped

[Issue MC-91756] - 末影水晶的光柱在末影龙生成序列停止时不更新

[Issue MC-91807] - Use /kill @e[type=EnderCrystal] instruction, rebirth ceremony continued execution

[Issue MC-91807] - 使用/kill @e[type=EnderCrystal],重生末影龙的过程仍然继续

[Issue MC-92140] - End Dragon Fight fails due to level.dat issue

[Issue MC-92140] - 末影龙战斗失败由于level.dat的问题

[Issue MC-92202] - Villagers stand outside opening and closing doors instead of entering

[Issue MC-92202] - 村民不进门

[Issue MC-92225] - Buggy AI for skeletons riding horses

[Issue MC-92225] - 骷髅骑士的AI bug多多

[Issue MC-92309] - “Block Broken” closed caption is inaccurate

[Issue MC-92309] - “方块破坏”的字幕不准确

[Issue MC-92344] - Beams from end crystals move towards wrong direction when spawning Ender Dragon

[Issue MC-92344] - 末影水晶的光束在末影龙生成的过程中角度不对

[Issue MC-92415] - mob pathing issue

[Issue MC-92415] - 实体寻路问题

[Issue MC-92451] - Ender Crystal Beam Detaching

[Issue MC-92451] - 末影水晶的光束分离

[Issue MC-92548] - Can’t place certain blocks on marker armor stand

[Issue MC-92548] - 不能在marker属性的盔甲架的位置放方块

[Issue MC-92697] - Activator Rails and Powered Rails powering each other

[Issue MC-92697] - 激活铁轨和动力铁轨互相激活

[Issue MC-92784] - Some subtitles are unrelated to the sound

[Issue MC-92784] - 一些字幕和声音无关

[Issue MC-92849] - mob kills due to knock back from a sweep attack fail to reward EXP

[Issue MC-92849] - 实体被横扫击退是没有经验的

[Issue MC-92972] - Villagers won’t go outisde

[Issue MC-92972] - 村民不出门

[Issue MC-92983] - Slimes are incorrectly offset from actual position

[Issue MC-92983] - 史莱姆从其正确位置有不正确的偏移

[Issue MC-93107] - Shulkers still produce sound even when Silent:1b

[Issue MC-93107] - 被禁言的潜影贝依旧撕逼静音的潜影贝依然发声音

[Issue MC-93118] - Some of the new textures weigh too much

Issue MC-93118] - 有些新材质太宽了

[Issue MC-93167] - Some textures (Easy to confirm with Netherack in the Nether) jump and change rotation as you move closer or farther from them

[Issue MC-93167] - 一些材质在你靠近或者远离时会突然变化,你可以在地狱的虚空中确认

[Issue MC-93289] - Level-up sound originates at position in world, not at player position

[Issue MC-93289] - 升级的声音不在玩家本身位置上发出。


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