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作者:不详来源:本站整理 发表时间:2015/6/10 15:39:48 评论(0)
3 页 最好的防御就是进攻










A Good Defence is a Good OffenceSo you've got clothes... You have a home... You have a spear... However is that really going to be enough? There are a lot more dinos out there than dodos and a lot of them are very aggressive... You've met your fair share of Dilos and even a few Raptors which are easy enough to handle with your spear, but as soon as you see a scorpion that's game over. Run or die... Also these one time respawns are getting REALLY expensive... We need a better alternative and fast.

First of all, we want to get ourselves a slingshot. This will probably be your most used tool in game, as it not only counts for ranged warefare, but also knocks the dinos out (not the big ones like the t-rex or the bronco though so be careful!) so that you can either get an easy kill, or you can attempt to tame them to have your very own battle bet! (Or item chest... your choice).

This will allow you to make your next dangerous weapon, the bow and arrow and the even more powerful tranq arrows. These have a downside of doing more damage to dinos, but can even knock out the big ones! This requires narcotics however, which are a tech tree of their own.

You'll also want a bed, a way to store things and perhaps it's time to upgrade those walls... Too many sleepless nights from Dilos breaking in.

The slingshot, mortar and pestle, narcotic, bow, arrows, wooden building blocks and storage box will cost you a total of 179 EP

While we're at it, we'll have the level requirements to upgrade to Hide armour and upgrade that storage box (because lets be honest... 100 wood in a single box is NOT the best use of space... These will add an extra 54 EP to the total cost of things.



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