菲斯(FEZ)v1.10 中文版 独立游戏 - 419.1M
- Fixed a shader link error on Radeon X1300
- Holding left and right rotation buttons will not make the totem level glitch out anymore
- Removed stray trile in the zu library level
- Added command line toggle for disabling steamworks : --no-steamworks
- Fixed that the "continue game" button would be grayed out if game saved in gomez's house
- Fixed rare bug related to the audio system
- Fixed occasional texture repeating in the "zoom in" start new game sequence
- Fixed crash in puzzle rooms when stacking 4 crates on top of each other
- Fixed z-fighting in first person view on some hardware
- Fixed wrong cube model showing up in inventory in a late-game level
- Fixed warp gate viewport shows up always-on-top when seen in stereoscopic view
- Added invert mouse option in settings file
- Tentatively fixed audio device detection
- Tentatively fixed animated sprites border clamping issue when anisotropic filtering is forced
- Very tentatively fixed 5.1 audio redirect to 2 channels.
- [修改作弊器]LifeZ生存v2019.06.17四项修改器MrAntiFun版
- [升级补丁+DLC]菲斯v1.05升级档补丁+破解补丁
- [修改作弊器]FEZ菲斯修改器+6
- [免DVD破解补丁]FEZ菲斯破解补丁
- [升级补丁+DLC]人工智能战争2v2.090升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]
- [升级补丁+DLC]炽焰帝国英雄2号升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]
- [升级补丁+DLC]花园爪子v1.4.1t升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]
- [升级补丁+DLC]灌篮王v20200706升级档+未加密补丁[CODEX]
- [升级补丁+DLC]巴士模拟18 15号升级档+未加密补丁[CODEX]
- [升级补丁+DLC]不可以思议的翱翔v1.0.5升级档+未加密补丁[CODEX]
- [升级补丁+DLC]人工智能战争2v2.090升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]
- [升级补丁+DLC]陷落封印仲裁者之印v1.3.4升级档+未加密补丁[CODEX]
- [升级补丁+DLC]Remedy2号升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]
- [升级补丁+DLC]狂热运输2v29485升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]
- [升级补丁+DLC]松树9号升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]
- [升级补丁+DLC]随波逐流v1.6.0升级档+未加密补丁[PLAZA]